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  • 什么是“辅助生殖技术”?
    根据美国生殖医学协会 (asrm): “辅助生殖技术是所有治疗方法,包括处理卵子和精子和/或胚胎。ART 的一些示例包括体外受精 (IVF)、配子输卵管内移植 (GIFT)、原核期输卵管移植 (PROST)、输卵管胚胎移植 (TET) 和受精卵输卵管内移植 (ZIFT)。” 要了解有关辅助生殖技术的更多信息,您可以阅读博客文章: “什么是辅助生殖技术?”
  • 什么是“第三方复制”?
  • 代孕意味着什么?
  • 成为代孕/代孕者的要求是什么?
    根据《缅因州亲子法》,缅因州在法律上成为代孕或妊娠携带者有五项要求:Title 19-A Section 1931。要获得代孕或代孕资格,您必须: (1) 年满 21 岁; (2) 曾生育过至少一个孩子; (3) 已完成医学评估和心理健康评估; (4) 有独立的法律代表,费用由准父母支付;和 (5) 除非您是预期父母之一的家庭成员,否则不要贡献卵子或遗传物质。 要成为纽约的代理人或妊娠携带者,纽约儿童-父母安全法要求代理人/妊娠携带者: (1) 年满 21 岁; (2)已完成医学评估和心理健康评估; (3) 有独立的法律代表,费用由准父母支付; (4) 不贡献卵子或遗传物质;和 (5) 有涵盖怀孕的保险(可能由准父母支付)。 除了在缅因州或纽约成为代孕/妊娠携带者的要求外,一些机构还有其他要求,包括但不限于您的 BMI、财务状况和犯罪记录。
  • What are the requirements to be a surrogate/gestational carrier in New York?
    New York sets forth a list of eligibility requirements for gestational surrogates in The Child Parent Security Act, and specifically New York Family Court Act §581-402. These requirements include: an age requirement, citizenship/residency requirement, and strict legal requirements relating to independent legal representation by a licensed New York attorney for all parties to the Gestational Surrogacy Agreement. New York surrogacy law also requires a specific life insurance policy, and medical insurance paid for by the Intended Parents on behalf of the Gestational Carrier. Medical evaluations and mental health evaluations are also required and must meet all requirements set forth by the New York Commissioner of Health as specified in the New York State Department of Health Clinical Guidelines. Traditional surrogacy remains illegal in New York.
  • 为什么人们选择辅助生殖技术而不是收养?
  • 如果我选择成为妊娠携带者,我可以选择准父母吗?”
  • 我正在考虑成为代理人/妊娠携带者。  我需要支付律师费吗?
  • Are surrogates related to the baby?
    Not gestational surrogates AKA gestational carriers! Gestational surrogacy arrangements are significantly more common than traditional surrogacy arrangements. Gestational Carrier: a woman who carries a child she is not genetically related to for the benefit of the intended parents or intended parent. Traditional Surrogate: a woman who both provides the egg for conception and carries a child for the benefit of the intended parents or intended parent.
  • Is being listed as a parent on the birth certificate enough?
    No. Birth certificates are administrative documents, not court orders. Court orders are entitled to full faith and credit in all U.S. states, whereas administrative documents do not have the same protection. While your name on a birth certificate may be evidence of your intention to be a legal parent, it is not alone enough to establish your legal parentage. Depending on the details of your situation, you may pursue a stepparent adoption, second parent adoption, or other judgment of parentage to legally secure your parentage. Depending on your jurisdiction, pre-birth orders of parentage or post-birth orders of parentage may be available to you. Consult with an assisted reproduction attorney to ensure your parentage is protected.
  • What is a stepparent adoption?
    Stepparent adoptions are the legal process by which the spouse of a gestational parent can legally secure their parentage to their child. Establishing legal parentage as a stepparent can be critical for a child's legal status, emotional well-being, financial security, and to equalize status among siblings raised in the same home. Janene has experience assisting same-sex couples navigate the stepparent adoption process, in addition to filing pre-birth judgments of parentage and post-birth judgments of parentage when appropriate.
  • What is a second parent adoption?
    Similar to a stepparent adoption, a second parent adoption permits unmarried couples to adopt each other's children. This process creates a legally recognized parent-child relationship between the second parent and the child without causing the first legal parent to lose their rights to the child. A second parent's legal status should reflect the value of their role in their children's lives.
  • “开放式”或“封闭式”收养有什么区别?
    公开收养是指生母和收养家庭彼此了解对方的身份,并且双方同意培养孩子与生母之间的关系。尽管生母与孩子有关系,但养父母保留对孩子的所有合法父母权利。 封闭式收养是指生母与养父母没有直接联系,养父母对生母知之甚少。
  • 什么是国际刑警组织?
    遵守《州际儿童安置契约》(ICPC) 是合法允许儿童在被收养后从一个州运送到另一个州的规定。这是任何多州收养过程中的重要一步。您的律师可以更详细地向您解释所有细节。
  • 领养费用是多少?
    如果不知道许多变量(包括但不限于您是与代理机构合作还是独立工作),就无法回答这个问题。收养机构收取费用以协助您完成收养过程,但所包含的费用和服务因机构而异。 除了任何必要的法庭费用和必要的家庭学习外,通过寄养系统收养基本上是免费的。所有未来的养父母都必须支付费用并参加家庭研究。
  • 家庭学习需要什么?
  • 养父母需要满足什么条件?
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